It's hard to believe how fast the weeks have flown by since we first found out that we were, 8/22/12 marks the half way milestone in my pregnancy! It is so exciting to think that we will be meeting our daughter, little Miss Young in just 20 weeks. Another milestone that began this week is the feeling of movement! I have been feeling very faint flutters for a week or so, but this week they are becoming more distinct. On Monday, I counted 5 times! I am so excited to know that she is ok in there, and I am anxious to feel her more and more! Week 20: Your baby is going to start moving soon When you're 20 weeks pregnant, your baby is getting used to all of his developing parts. Your baby is moving around, and you might be able to feel it. At Week 20, your baby's development includes the following: Your baby measures about 6 in , about the length of an eggplant, and weighs about 1/2 a pound.Your baby's skin thickens a...