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Showing posts from July, 2014

Beach, July 4th and 4 Months!

Not sure where this past month has gone? We've been keeping busy with trips to the park, the mall, the supermarket and even took a small beach trip! Mason is changing everyday, he continues to amaze me every morning when I wake up to his sweet smiles. His 4 month check up went great, weighing in at 15.8 pounds and 24.8 inches long! (in the 54th %) He is wearing size 2 diapers now and mostly 6 month clothes. Today He actually rolled over from his back to tummy! Eating has become a little challenging because Mason has become so alert of his surroundings he does not want to concentrate on eating, that and a little teething makes for a fun feeding! We received the ok to start some solids and oatmeal by spoon, as well as bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes and peas.  Mason enjoyed his first beach trip, we loved every minute of the fun in the sun and sand! He really is a water baby.  Sweet Cailyn enjoyed playing with Mason and reading him books too! ...