It was only a matter of time until Dixie was going to get her paws on something that she wasn't supposed to when it came to baby Mason. I would have never guessed that the something would be a whole tube of nipple cream.
I knew she was up to no good when she was no where to be found.... it was too quiet. I searched for her all over the house... and there she was, deep under our king sized bed going to town on the entire bottle. I immediately called our vet and after a few laughs from the Dr. she assured me that it was all natural and harmless (the baby even eats it off of your skin), though it would have to pass on its own out of puppy's system. Not sure if you are familiar with the consistency of this cream but it is very thick and yellow and waxy. A few hours later that was exactly what was oozing out of Dixie's behind... And it was all over the house. I panicked! Mike was too far away to rush home, luckily mom rushed over and we confined Dixie to the bathroom to finish her business until Mike could get home to bathe her. She was covered in the greasy mess, running all down her hind legs and tail. Thankfully, later that night she was back to normal. I never thought I'd have two babies in a diaper at one time!
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