It amazes me how different peoples reactions are when I tell them I lost my baby. All in all I've only had to answer this question about six times. I know that it doesn't sound like an awful lot but each one still manages to throw me into a funk. Yesterday, three people, today one. I play these conversations over and over in my head and wonder how the other person took the news. It all starts with a sweet, innocent gesture, a simple: "So, how's the baby?" I reply, "Unfortunately, we lost her". If you can imagine the look of someone seeing a ghost, that's about the look I receive. I've heard: "I'm so sorry", "God Bless You", "that's not the answer that I was expecting" "Oh, I totally forgot!" (guessing this person knew and asked without thinking?!?) Some people blush and look like they want to run away, some gave me a hug, some say they will keep me in their prayers. And before you know ...