Meet our new little four legged addition to our family, Dixie!
It was love at first sight for this little sweetheart. We adopted Dixie from the Atlanta Humane Society on Thursday, January 31st. She is a 2 1/2 month old terrier mix and weights 3.5 pounds
I never knew how much love and happiness this little puppy could bring. She has brought me so much love and peace in just the last three days. She is such a sweet girl who loves to be in our laps and snuggled up with us. My heart feels a little more whole with her in our lives.
Dixie and her sister at the Humane Society, I was so thrilled that her sister got adopted too that night by a wonderful family.
Love at first sight! Holding Dixie before starting the adoption process and interview. I was so full of emotion and happiness I cried when I told the volunteer I was ready to take this puppy home!
Sweet girl on the car ride home, she is already a spoiled puppy... I had the butt warmer on for her!
Bonding with Mike on her first night home, they fell asleep on the couch together
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