My fav neighbor and I kicked off our 2nd Annual 30th Birthday's at Suwanee Beerfest. It was a beautiful day to be outside in Suwanee and enjoy the bands, food and of course a wide array of beers!
Our beer of choice and my new "Official Beer of Spring/Summer 2013"
Leinenkugels Berry Weiss
Waiting in line for our 3 OZ sample
Many beerfest attendees wore homemade pretzel necklaces, it is a genius idea and "cleanses your pallet" from the different tasting beers... wish we would have known as this would have really of come in handy... you know how good pretzels and beer go together!
As the day progressed we got a little "silly" and I was dared to eat a pretzel off of a strangers necklace.
This kind gentleman was willing to share a pretzel with me!
To end the day we arrived home to our husband's 3rd Annual Burning of the Yard Party-
They were finishing up as we arrived...
Picture Guys with lighters, beers and water hoses. It's a pretty ugly site (and mess) right now but in a few weeks our yards will be the greenest on the street.
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