Big day on the calendar this year! 24 Weeks Pregnant, Thanksgiving Buffet at Chateau Elan, Mom's 60th Birthday and Hanukkah! Can this be a more eventful day? Well, in our case yes.... We found Dixie chewing on a very old and very expired piece of Nicorette gum. Where did she get it you might ask? why, in a old purse in the bottom of our closet of course! We immediately called the ER Vet who forwarded us to animal poison control. We were instructed to induce vomiting by giving Hydrogen Peroxide. It worked immediatly however no gum was seen in the vomit. We were then told to take her to the ER vet for blood work to check for a toxic sweetener "xylatol" thankfully puppy's blood came back normal and we were sent home. It was a big scare for us...Never a dull moment!
I've also started to feel Mr. Young's movements more frequently this week, I can breathe a little easier when I know he's moving.
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