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Nursery fun and lots of little kicks! (22 weeks)

My Mid-Morning Snack, I've been craving Peanut Butter and Bananas!

Mike painting the nursery, we love this color! So calming and relaxing... it's called Antiguan Sky from the Pottery Barn Kids decorating Guide

Here's the catalogue picture we used as our nursery inspiration, We love the Coco Dot crib set! 

It was NOT an easy task deciding on nursery furniture, we searched many stores for the perfect set.  We wanted something that would last for many years to come and grow with our baby girl.  I was so torn between two finishes..."antique white", or black as I was told by so many that white was a huge mistake.  For a girl my initial instinct is to go with white.... we finally decided to go with an expresso finish!  The set is beautiful and fits great with the Antiguan sky walls and coco dot bedding, it is also the 1st crib of it's kind that will not only convert into a toddler bed, a full size bed but also a QUEEN size bed! It even came with Queen size bed rails, we were SOLD! 
Here's a picture from the showroom of the crib, tall chest and dresser that we purchased.  We cannot wait to see it in her room!

Week 22: Your baby has an increased sense of touch
During your 22nd week of pregnancy, your baby is starting to discover a world around her as her senses continue to develop.
  • When you’re 22 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 7-1/2 to 8 inches long head to rump, around the length of a head of cabbage, and weighs about 1 pound.
  • Your baby's sense of touch progresses significantly this week.
  • Your baby's brain and nerve endings mature enough to process the sensation of touch.
  • Your baby's reproductive system continues to develop. She already has all of the eggs she'll need for her own reproductive life.
  • When you're 22 weeks pregnant, the surface of your baby's brain, which has previously been smooth, begins to develop folds. This creation of hills and valleys in the brain will continue until the 34th week of pregnancy, when your baby's brain will have enough surface area for a full complement of brain cells.
  • Your baby continues to hear sounds from the outside world. Although these sounds are muffled behind the amniotic fluid and the protective covering of vernix, your baby will soon recognize your voice.
Pregnancy Weeks images
How far along? 22 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 pounds, as of 8/22
Maternity clothes? most defiantly
Stretch marks? Thankfully No
Sleep:  sleeping great!
Best moment this week:  Picking out the nursery furniture
Movement: YES, little kicks here and there after I eat
Food cravings: peanut butter and bananas, water, pasta 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Gender: It'a a GIRL :) 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? in, but it might be trying to work its way out.... I am terrified! 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! I've also been very emotional, especially around my dad :)
Looking forward to: Deciding on a name!!!! Feeling baby girl's kicks, finishing the nursery and my next Dr's appointment on September 12th


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